Friday, November 13, 2020

Donald Trump finally hints that he’s accepted losing election in first speech since Biden won

Donald Trump at the White House
Donald Trump, pictured at the White House Friday, again refused to concede he had lost the election in his first speech since Joe Biden was named winner last Saturday (Picture: Reuters)

Donald Trump has finally hinted that he has accepted losing the election to Joe Biden in his first speech since last Saturday’s result.

Speaking at the White House Friday, Trump vowed not to impose a nationwide coronavirus lockdown, after one of Biden’s new advisers said earlier this week it may be the only option to tackle Covid.

But he then conceded that the decision may be out of his hands in the near future. Trump said: ‘This administration will not go to a lock down…who knows which administration it will be, time will tell.’ Biden is on course to take over from Trump in January, although Trump has yet to acknowledge this.

The president then repeated his favorite justification for avoiding lockdowns, saying ‘the cure cannot be worse than the disease.’

President Trump in front of large stars and stripes flag
President Trump made his first allusion to a Joe Biden White House while giving a coronavirus vaccine development update on Friday (Picture: Getty)

Trump made the remarks after repeatedly refusing to accept Joe Biden’s victory in the November 3 election, and making unfounded claims that the result was rigged. Biden was named winner on Saturday, with several forecasters also calling Georgia for him on Friday.

He walked off at the end of the press conference without taking questions, although reporters could be heard shouting at him about the result.

Biden has 306 electoral votes to Trump’s 232, with the president’s promised lawsuits to challenge the result running into increasing difficulty in recent days.

Trump’s mention of lockdowns was his only reference to the presidential election. White House advisers say he privately concedes that he has lost, and that his attempts to frustrate the result are fast-failing. They say the president is adopting a different stance in public to try and save face.

He spent the majority of Friday’s press conference giving an update on Covid vaccine efforts on Friday, saying: ‘The past nine months my administration has initiated the single greatest mobilization in us history, numbers like nobody has ever seen before.

Joe Biden
President Trump has publicly refused to concede to Joe Biden, although aides say Trump privately accepts that he’s lost (Picture: Getty)

‘No medical breakthrough has ever been achieved this quickly, this rapidly.

‘Operation Warp Speed is unequaled and unrivaled anywhere in the world.’

Trump, who referred to Covid as the ‘China virus’ went on to make excuses for the surge in cases across the US, which some scientists have said is a third wave.

Data from Johns Hopkins University shows there have so far been 10.69m infections across the US, with 243,466 people killed as a result.

He said: ‘Case levels are high, but part of the reason case levels are high is that we have the best test program anywhere in the world.’

President Trump said an upcoming vaccine rollout would ‘effectively end this phase of the pandemic.’

He added that it would ‘allow seniors to reclaim the golden years of their lives, and its about time they can have those golden years.’

Trump also verbally attacked New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, after Cuomo said he would insist on having any vaccine independently verified before distributing it to people in his state.’

He also introduced members of the White House coronavirus task force, including its chair, US Vice President Mike Pence.

Pence followed his boss’s lead in failing to mention the election result.

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