Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Are Brad Pitt And Jennifer Aniston Planning A Joint Tell-All Interview Where They Dish On Their Relationship?

Are Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston planning a joint tell-all interview where they will finally dish on reports that they are together? That’s the subject of an article in the upcoming April 6, 2020, issue of OK! magazine. Rumors have been rampant that Brad and Jen haven’t only rekindled their romance but are planning on getting married as soon as things with the Coronavirus pandemic end. According to the publication, Brad and Jennifer are planning a sit down with an unnamed network where they will go public with their relationship status. There is no question that fans want to see a Bennifer reunion and have their fingers crossed hoping the reports of their reconciliation are true.

Jennifer and Brad didn’t help quiet the rumors with their affectionate display at the Screen Actor’s Guild Awards where they both won awards. When fans of the couple that had split in 2005 saw their body language they were convinced something more was transpiring between them.

The source stated the following to the publication.

“They’re older and more relaxed about discussing their personal lives. Jen and Brad had been communicating on a friendly, supportive basis since becoming single. She’s let go of the past, and Brad’s showing up brought them closer together. Things are definitely flirty, and they trust each other. So why not do a TV interview together, they think it would be fun!”

Neither Brad Pitt or Jennifer Aniston have confirmed they are anything more than friends, let alone preparing for a sit-down interview to dish on their relationship status.

They also haven’t confirmed that they are planning to get married any time soon.

The source continued to dish on Brad’s and Jen’s reunion — even though it has never been confirmed.

“What they want to get across is, you can handle anything as long as you’ve got your friends, and they know they’ve got each other. This time the chain’s not going to break —and who knows what the future holds?”

What do you think about the publication’s source’s comments?

Do you believe that Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt are back together? Do you think they are going to do a televised interview?

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